Sadly, this is not a sigh of exultation at some exquisite platter of sashimi, quivering with joy at the thought of being eaten by little me. Oh no, it is the sound I made earlier this morning at the most excellent Royal London Hospital Dental School (outpatients) as one of my teeth was extracted. Still, I’m not doing too badly. The odd twinge on the right side post-anaesthetic has not prevented me from eating a plum and an apricot. I shall be dining lightly and on soft food today. On light yet delicious foods such as yoghurt with honey (not buckwheat).
I trust that this will have a twofold benefit: one, it will preserve my strength for more activity tomorrow; and two, it will sharpen the appetite for soft-ish foods like Byron burgers on another outing with my friend from Peckham scheduled for tomorrow. It’s partly that which spurs me on to update the blog as I’ve been most remiss in the past couple of weeks. So, to start, we shall – are you sitting comfortably? – we shall return to late June and to…
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